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APCA - all minutes

Minutes of Meeting of 7th February 2022 7pm


Present:- Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Councillor Penny Gowland, Caroline Stone, Deb Triffit

Guests: Rob Archer & Judith Brown (RBC Community Safety)

Apologies:- Catherine Bailey, Rani Joshi, Chris Holmes

The minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 23rd November 2021 were noted. BANK

Ruth gave details of the current financial position. She indicated that the bank account held 1,085.79p but we were at presently holding funds of £600 for the Defibrillator fund for the application by Warrens Barbers. The fund is awaiting further monies then the defibrillator will be purchased and placed by the One Stop Shop on Gordon Road.
On-going running costs were not discussed as per agenda.

Pc Matthew Holden gave an update regarding the recent crime wave saying that it had calmed down and three people were now in prison and a further person on bail who is being monitored closely. He followed this by saying the police do monitor all crimes in the area weekly and use what CCTV there is available when required. He gave insights as to how to protect our homes and belongings and suggested that valuables be registered on
The committee asked if we could have a bike marking event on Abbey Park, which was agreed. PC Holden will arrange a date and this will be advertised.
Judith Brown was able to bring along several security items which are available. Sue Andrews has these should people need them. They include:
Nuts and bolts to replace screws on shed, Purse chains & bells, Personal alarms, Security pens, No uninvited caller stickers, Anti theft number plate screws, 24 hour plug in timers, Ultra thin vibrating alarms & Heavy duty alarm locks. Further information can be found here communitysafety/

Verges and communal green space - It was noted that there are areas within Abbey Park that are well used as pathways where Stopping Up orders would not be allowed on these communal green spaces.
Community Infrastructure Levy - Simon reported that the meeting with Rushcliffe BC to discuss the distribution of the Community Infrastructure Levy he was due to attend had been delayed until 16th February. He will attend this and that he would report back to the committee at the next meeting.
Adult gym equipment - Adult Gym Equipment was discussed. Penny Gowland said there was little funding available from RBC for this at the moment. Simon will look at possible placement of gym equipment on the park with the intention of undertaking a public consultation with the local community on the idea. If the ideas are supported the next step would be to try and raise funds for the equipment. The Community Infrastructure Levy could be a potential source of this funding.
Football posts - Football posts were also discussed. Deb Triffitt reiterated the issues other areas have had when posts have been erected for general use, saying that local teams are short of places to play & have been known to ‘take over’ using them as their regular play area.
Tree planting - Lesley updated us on the Major Oak sapling due to be officially planted on 23rd February by the Mayor of Rushcliffe. It will be placed near the recently planted fruit trees which will

create both an area of environmental and historical interest, The sapling (the last one available this year) will need protection and Ruth agreed to organise a cage. Also in attendance will be Penny Gowland, two teachers from St Edmond Campion School and twelve pupils. The school very kindly agreed to adopt some of the trees (which will be labelled) and water them. Sue & Lesley will prepare the ground works for the planting prior to the 23rd.
The committee agreed to donate £50 to the RSPB for the Major Oak sapling

Penny informed the meeting that new signage is being installed near Abbey Road & Edmond Campion schools to advise that these roads are not to be used for school drop off in vehicles.
Simon also noted that a ‘Walk to School Week’ was 16-20th May.

Litter Picking - Ruth fed back re the January Litter Picking Event saying it had been useful and rather a lot of empty spirit bottles had been retrieved amongst other items. The next litter pick is 20th February
Party in the Park - A ‘Party in the Park’ was raised and it was agreed to hold this on Sunday 11th September. Further details to be announced. Advertising will posted nearer the date.
Safari Sale - Sue fed back on a ‘Safari Sale’ saying she had been in contact with someone from Abbey Road School Parents Association and that any funds raised would possibly be split 50/50 between the school and ourselves. No date has been set as yet.
Book club - The Book Club is going from strength to strength and now has 23 or more members. Board Games Night - The Games Night, again held at the Willow Tree although small, is an
enjoyable event for those that meet up.
Wild flower planting - Deb brought up further wild flower planting. She will liaise with Wendy King
with a view to sourcing appropriate wild flower seeds..
Park Benches - More Benches for the park where requested by a resident. It was noted that there are no benches on the park at all. This will be looked at in the future with regard locations and potential fund raising.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be an open meeting at the Willow Tree on 10th May 2022. The meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Minutes of the AGM Meeting 14th September 2021


14th September 2021
Abbey Park Community Association Committee AGM
Present:- Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Chris Holmes, Councillor Penny Gowland, Rani Joshi, Catherine Bailey, Alan Yeo, Elaine Yeo, Liz Smith, Caroline Stone, Tracey Girdier.
Simon reported that it had been 1 year and 8 months since the last in person meeting but in the meantime the committee had continued zoom meetings to deal with local issues. Since we last met in person Stamford Road has been resurfaced, a public notice board has been installed, a litter picking group established, the community gardens have gone from strength to strength and new tree planting has been agreed on areas of the park.
The Association had made progress in formalising itself eg bank account, draft constitution. He thanked the members of the committee who had attended meetings and in addition thanked Councillor Penny Gowland and Liz Plant the former County Councillor for their assistance
Simon thought that Abbey Park was a fantastic place to live and work with a wonderful sense of community. The Association had been established to try and facilitate community projects. We would be delighted to hear from any resident or business who had a community project or activity which they believed could be assisted by the Association
Ruth gave details of the income and expenditure since the bank account was set up. She reported that
Leaflets had been printed and distributed advising of our existence
Website for community set up with ongoing cost
Public liability insurance obtained
Selection of high visibility jackets purchased
Grants gratefully received from Rushcliffe Borough Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and the Bramley Apple Trust.

The constitution was agreed subject to paragraph 4a on the composition of the management committee being amended from including “up to 3 ordinary members” to “ a minimum of 3 ordinary members”.
Simon explained that the original proposal had been for an orchard to be planted on the field beside the school. During the consultation the bus turning circle was suggested as an alternative. As a result an alternative scheme was proposed with some trees at the top and some in the turning circle. This had now been agreed with Rushcliffe. The scheme would involve on the top site 2 Bramley apples, a Merryweather damson, Nottinghamshire medlar, a conference pear and 2 Bramley pollinators (a James Grieve apple and a John Dowie crab apple). The turning circle would have 7 ornamental cherry trees which had been in the original scheme when the estate was built but not implemented.
It was agreed to proceed with the revised schemes and to get Streetwise to plant the trees.
Rushcliffe Borough Council had funds allocated in the current financial year to extend / refurbish the play area on the field for 0-12 year olds. There was a potential subsequent phase 2 subject to future funding which would include football goals.
Concern was expressed about the amount of noise from the rope swings in the trees. It was suggested that planting trees / bushes may help to form a barrier to reduce the noise.
It was felt that outside gym equipment could be installed on the field. Rushcliffe did not have any funds for this but it was thought that perhaps funds could be raised for this via alternative grants.
It was agreed that the phase 1 improvements be supported and that the costs of the goal posts and gym equipment be obtained.
The plans for phase 1 be publicised on the website and Facebook page.

The following appointments to the Committee were agreed for the following year:-
Chair – Simon Middlecote
Vice-Chair – Sue Andrews
Treasurer and Website – Ruth Kerry
Secretary – Caroline Stone
Notetaker – Chris Holmes
Committee members : Lesley Morris, Catherine Bailey, Rani Joshi, Deb Triffit.

The following issues were identified for consideration at future meetings
House extensions into shared area
Issues with Metropolitan Housing
Lack of dropped kerbs on the estate
Reliability of no 7 bus and getting in to stop at the turning circle
Gym equipment for the field
Community events eg. Queen’ Jubilee, Nottinghamshire Day 25th August, Advent windows, safari sale

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.

Minutes of the Meeting 10th May 2022


Present:- Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Chris Holmes, Caroline Stone, Catherine Bailey
Apologies:- Councillor Penny Gowland, Deb Triffitt

The minutes of the last meeting held on 7th February 2022 were noted.

Ruth gave details of the current financial position. She indicated that a defibrillator had been purchased for outside Warrens Barbers and was waiting to be installed.
The following ideas for fund raising were identified:-
Coffee and cake on the square on Nearsby or Waltham
Plant sale
Safari sale
Car boot
It was agreed a poster setting out what the Association had achieved should be drawn up for the website and noticeboard.

The possibility of adding two local apple trees, Isaac Newton and Bess Pool to the orchard was raised.
There was a discussion about the need for additional benches on the field. A proposal was circulated suggesting benches by the orchard and a circular one by the tree near the play area.
It was suggested that the possibility of having gym equipment near the playground be explored together with funding options.
The installation of goal posts on the field was discussed but it was decided not to pursue this.
Reference was made to the community lengthsmen scheme with its potential funding for assistance with maintenance in the area. Further information was to be sought as to how it could apply on Abbey Park.

It was agreed
That two more local apples trees be purchased subject to the agreement from Rushcliffe in respect of their planting
To consult through the website, Facebook page and the noticeboard on options for placing benches on the field and that funding be sought for their purchase.
That approval for the possible site of gym equipment be obtained following appropriate consultation and funding options explored.
Sue Andrew to follow up the possibility of the community lengthsmen
That Edmund Campion be thanked for looking after the orchard trees.

Concern was raised about safety issues which were caused by some driveways onto roads through the estate.
There were reports with regard to the resurfacing on Dale Close of poor quality and standing water when it rained.

The next meeting of the Book Club would be on 6th June at 7pm.
It was agreed that a party be held on the field on Sunday 11th September from 2pm to 4pm. This would include raffle, lucky dip, face painting, plant and books sale. An organisation committee would be established.

Sunday 29th May was when the next litter picking session would take place on the estate

Road Safety
Problems were reported on the corner of Buckfast Way and Eltham Road where parked cars were causing problems for the No 7 bus.
Parked cars were also causing visibility issues on Waltham on the bends
It was agreed that these issues be raised with Councillor Penny Gowland with photos where available.
A plan is to be drawn up identifying the trees on the field so that a children’s trail could be produced.
It was agreed that the next meeting would be at the Community Centre on Tuesday 19th July 2022 at 7pm and that ideas for discussion would be sought through the website, Facebook group and the notice board

The meeting closed at 9pm.

Minutes of the Meeting 7th April 2021 Abbey Park Community Association Committee (via Zoom)


Present:-Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Chris Holmes, Councillor Penny Gowland, Catherine Bailey. Apologies: Rani Joshi, County Councillor Liz Plant

The minutes of the last meetings of the Association held on 20th January and 4th February 2021 were noted.

The current bank balance is £1600.23 which included some funds for trees.

Now that we had a draft constitution agreed there was a need to publicise this so that it could be agreed at the next in-person meeting.
It was agreed that Ruth would post a link from the Facebook page to the website and Sue would put a copy on the noticeboard.

It was agreed:-
that Ruth, Lesley and Chris would prepare a draft safeguarding and photo policy for consideration at the next meeting..
That Sue would find out if DBS checks were needed to take on D of E Award students in the gardening work.

A discussion document was considered about proposals to create a Central West Bridgford Neighbourhood Plan which would help the community influence the development of the area in which they live and work. There was support in principle to this but it was felt it needed the agreement of a future open meeting.

An issue had been raised about parking on Nearsby Drive and Sue was going to make inquiries to clarify what the issues were.

here was greater awareness and understanding of possible enclosures and the public consultation on the Facebook page had indicated that there was a wish to ensure the green spaces are protected in future as they were one of the things which were special about the estate.

The outcome of the consultation on the proposed orchard had been pretty split. The Sub-Group had looked at the consultation responses and come up with revised proposals ie, to reduce the number of fruit trees on the top site and plant a small number of ornamental cherry trees near the turning circle. There was support for these initial revised proposals including the benches.
Part of the play equipment had been broken for a couple of weeks and not repaired. It was pointed out that section 106 monies from the development of the Depot site could provide an opportunity to develop the play area in the longer term.
There was a need to allocate who would take on the watering responsibilities of the 5 trees recently planted on the field.
It was agreed
Simon would contact Rushcliffe to seek approval to the revised proposals and refer to possible future use of section 106 monies.
Catherine would allocate trees to those who had indicated they would be willing to water.

It was noted that City Transport had not been willing to re-route the no7 bus to the turning circle. Following the pandemic it was felt there was a need to get people back using the buses before any survey was done about possible route changes.

A possible picnic on the park on Saturday 4th September was provisionally agreed
Book Club was meeting on 19th and 20th April at the Willow Tree complying with the covid rule of 6.
Litter picking was arranged for Sunday 25th April 10 -12.

The details of the website are to be pinned to the top of the Facebook page.
The idea of charging people to advertise on the website was to be floated on the Facebook page.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Minutes of the Meeting 25th February 2020


Venue - Abbey Park Community Centre, Buckfast Way

Present:- Chris Holmes, Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Zbyszek Luczynski, , Ruth Kerry, Lesley Morris, Sue Andrew, John Turrill, Councillor Brian Buschman, Councillor Penny Gowland, Chloe Brooks, Sarah Gill, Anne McKenzie, Rani Joshi, Susan Caffey, Karen Holme, Tracey Girdier, Monkia Pudelko, Samantha Hillyer, Elaine Yeo,

There was a discussion about the proposed demolition of the Pumping Station. Recent research had demonstrated the significance of the building to the development of West Bridgford which had not been previously known. Rushcliffe Borough Council was seeking to demolish the building prior to the site being sold to a developer. Comments on this needed to be submitted by 5th March.
An application had been submitted for the building to be listed but time was short.
There was no objection to the proposed housing development on the site but there was a groundswell of opinion that the pumping Station should be incorporated into the development. It was noted that a meeting had been arranged with Ruth Edwards the local MP about the building and its history.
It was Agreed :
1. That Simon would chase up progress on the listing building application
2. That Simon and Leslie would draft a community question to be asked at Rushcliffe Borough Council’s next meeting.
3. That the petitions against the proposed demolition both email and paper be presented to Rushcliffe by 5th March.

Local beat police PC Rob Archer and PC Pattinson attended to provide an update on recent crime in the area and also brought crime prevention material for distribution. This material was also available from the new Rushcliffe office on Gordon Road. Warnings were made about telephone scams and romance scams and the need for people to be on their guard.
It was Agreed to publicise the availability of crime prevention material on the Facebook page.
The surface on Stamford Road continued to deteriorate. It was reported that in VIA’s maintenance list for 2020/21 it was listed for patching in the 4th quarter. It was felt that patching was not enough to solve the problem. The proposed work appeared to have slipped in the planned maintenance timetable having been originally planned for last October.
Reference was made to the County Council’s app “My Notts” to report pot holes.
It was Agreed
1. to encourage residents to report potholes on the County’s app “My Notts”.
2. To seek clarification about what maintenance is proposed for Stamford Road and when.
It was suggested that Covert Road be included within the boundary of the Association.
It was Agreed to include Covert Road in the Association’s boundary.
It was reported that the usage of the 22 and 23 was not good and there was a need to use it or lose it. There was a feeling that the no.7 bus always seemed to be the first bus route to be taken off if there was a problem. No progress was reported on getting the no. 7 to stop at the former bus terminal on Buckfast Way
It was Agreed that NCT be asked to provide details of how often the no. 7 bus was withdrawn.
There was a need to take books from the book swop as well as depositing.
This was going well. The next meeting is the 9th of March 8pm in the Willow Tree Pub. You don’t have to have read the book to attend. Everyone is welcome.
This is up and running now.
It was agreed that arrangements be made for an afternoon tea party to be held on the field on Saturday 20th June from 2-5pm.

Notice Boards
These will be installed shortly.
West Bridgford Local Area Forum
Meetings of this are held every 2 months. Lesley went to the last meeting.
It was Agreed that Lesley and Simon attend future meetings.
Central West Bridgford Community Association
It was reported that an emerging idea was to develop a neighbourhood plan for West Bridgford. The lack of this put West Bridgford at a disadvantage when planning issues were considered. Other areas with Parish Council’s such as Ruddington and East Leake had one.
Bank Account
A meeting with Barclays Bank was arranged to establish a bank account for the Association.
Abbey Road
The issue of vehicles speeding on Abbey Road was raised. There was a need to get the police to do some spot checks It was suggested that a flashing light as on Beckside would help. Parking on Buckfast Way at school time was also raised.
It was Agreed that Councillor Penny Gowland would contact the police and ask the County Council for a flashing sign and request double yellow lines on Buckfast Way near the schools.
Abbey Circus
It was suggested that the green on Abbey Circus by the shelter should be opened up to the public.
It was Agreed that this should be looked into.
It was Agreed that the notes of meetings should be put on the Facebook page and also put on the noticeboards.

Date of next meeting
Monday 20th April. 7-9pm at the Willow Tree Pub

Minutes of the Meeting 14th January 2020


Present:- Residents of the Abbey Park Area

Simon Middlecote opened the meeting by introducing the members of the interim committee, which had been chosen at the last meeting.

Sue and Joan have worked on the public gardens on the estate for over 12 years. It has come to light that there are areas not owned by Nottinghamshire County Council or Rushcliffe Borough Council. It is believed that Redrow Homes (the successor to Costain’s) still own some of the land but they do not respond to any communication. Similar ownership issues were reported around the Community Centre run by Metropolitan Housing which led to maintenance issues (paths, hedges etc) not being tackled.
Concern was raised about the uneven surfaces on paths around the housing near the Community Centre and the wider estate.

It was Agreed That a letter was to be sent to the Nottinghamshire County Council, Rushcliffe Borough Council and Metropolitan Housing Association to resolve land ownership issues so that proper maintenance of trees, shrubbery and paths can be organised.

Reference was made to attempt to get the County Council to improve the conditions of Stamford Road. No progress had been made so far. The need was stressed to report any accidents trips as this would strengthen the case for repairs.
Concern was expressed about the parking outside the rugby club on Stamford Road/Rufford Way, particularly on Sunday’s. This has been an on going problem. Cones have been put out but then not taken in afterwards and then got broken.

It was agreed that Councillor Liz Plant would make arrangements for a meeting to discuss traffic issues on Stamford Road/Rufford Way with appropriate County Council officers, Simon Middlecote, Sue Andrew and the neighbouring County Councillor Johathon Wheeler.

It was agreed that the depot site had been sold subject to contract.
The pumping station was not a listed building but steps were being taken by Simon Middlecote to see if an application to achieve listed building status could be developed.

It was felt that the Pumping Station was an important part of West Bridgford’s development and should be retained. It was thought that a petition should be arranged to Rushcliffe Borough Council requesting it be retained. In the meantime steps were being taken to see if an application for listed building status could be made.

It was reported that the Central West Bridgford Community Association (WBCA) which had been going since the 1970’s covered Abbey Park Estate and it was suggested that the interim APRA could be a sub-group of the WBCA until it was formalised.

It was agreed that there was a need to formalise the Abbey Park Residents Association and that a small group be established to take this forward.

Local beat police PC Rob Archer and PCSO June Baker attended to reassure residents following the recent burglaries on the estate which appeared to be targeted. Crime prevent measures were discussed. Crime prevention material was to be provided by the police to Sue Andrew (which has arrived) for distribution at the next meeting. The police were happy to provide crime prevention information to individual residents.
Suspicious activity should be reported to the police by phoning 101 or 999.
Reference was made to an existing ‘Whats App Group’ for a particular part of a street which shared information about suspicious activities. It was thought there could be merit in this being set up for other locations.

The second meeting of the book club was to be on Monday 20th January at the Willow Tree Pub at 8pm.

There was a wish to hold other social events following on from the Book Club and book swop. Ideas mentioned were picnic on the park, singing group and a film night – possibly in the theatre.

It was pointed out that there were no buses for the residents near to the Community Centre on Saturdays/Sundays and bank holidays as the 22 and 23 did not operate then.
One suggestion was for the number 7 bus to be slightly re-routed so it went into the old turning circle on Buckfast Way. The need for a bus shelter outside the Community Centre was stressed.

It was agreed that a petition be organised for Councillor Liz Plant to present to a County Council meeting so that these issues could be taken forward.

It was agreed that the next meeting be held on Tuesday 25th February at 7pm. It was felt this should be at the Community Centre if possible.

The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

Special Meeting - Abbey Park Community Association Committee (via Zoom) 4th Feb 2021


Present:- Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Chris Holmes, Catherine Bailey, Councillor Penny Gowland, County Councillor Liz Plant. CONSTITUTION. A draft constitution was considered and discussed. It was agreed the constitution as set out in the appendix be recommended for approval at the Annual General Meeting which would be held when Covid restrictions permitted. The meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Minutes of the Committee Meeting (via Zoom) 20 January 2021


Abbey Park Community Association Committee (via Zoom)

Present:- Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Chris Holmes, Councillor Penny Gowland, County Councillor Liz Plant.
Apologies: Rani Joshi, Catherine Bailey

The minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on 24th November 2020 were noted.

The current bank balance is £687.22.

It was agreed that Ruth and Chris would prepare a draft constitution for consideration at the next meeting. A statement about safeguarding would also be prepared.

Rushcliffe had agreed in principle to a community orchard being planted on the field. There was now a need to develop the proposals and consult the community. Lesley was preparing an application to the Bramley Fund for a grant towards some trees. It was thought that a “friendship” bench was needed
It was agreed
1. Simon would contact Rushcliffe to press the case for a bench on the park.
2. That a working party of Simon, Sue and Lesley would meet to discuss how to progress the orchard project and report back to the next meeting

A request was made to have some signs put up saying “slow down 30mph” on the estate.
It was agreed Councillor Liz Plant would follow this up with the County Council.

The proposed stopping up order on Waltham had highlighted greater awareness and understanding of possible enclosures. It was felt there was a case to be made for public consultation to ensure the green spaces are protected in future and the need to highlight what is special about the estate.
It was agreed that this information should be put on the Facebook group page to highlight what was special.

It had been suggested that a seed bank be set up on the estate.
It was agreed that Sue would speak to Tracy about establishing this.

Ideas were requested for items which may be funded through the Community Fund. Hi-vis vests for the litter pickers group, poppies for lamp posts for remembrance day and printing of a leaflet to all residents advertising the website and gaining a database of those people unable to access the web or social media.

The website was now up and running and there had been 1369 sessions since it started.
It was agreed that details of the Book Club be put on the website.

The advent calendar windows display trail had been successful.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Minutes of the Meeting 24th November 2020


Present:- Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Chris Holmes, Councillor Penny Gowland, County Councillor Liz Plant.
Apologies: Rani Joshi, Catherine Bailey
The minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on 27th August 2020 were noted.
No transactions had taken place since the last meeting
The detailed planning application from the developer for the site was awaited.
It was reported that that the proposed double yellow lines on Buckfast Way, double yellow lines on Abingdon Road and signing for the Buckfast Way play area were in the County Council’s programme to be done in 2021/22.
The problems caused by parked cars at the schools start and finish times was discussed.
It was agreed that Simon would email the Heads of Abbey Road and Edmund Campion Schools to introduce the Community Association to then and raise the issue of parking.
It was agreed that Sue Andrew would contact PC Rob Archer about the CCTV cameras and inform him about recent incident on the park and invite him to the next meeting.
The resurfacing of Stamford Road down to the Willow Tree was welcomed. It was thought that Abbey Road now needed resurfacing.
It was agreed that Councillor Liz Plant would contact the operator about the 22 / 23 bus service to inquire if covid would make any changes to their plans for the service.

Maps had now been obtained from the Borough and County Councils showing who owns the different open spaces on the estate.
It was agreed that this information should be put on the Facebook group page and the notice board.
A response had been received from Rushcliffe agreeing in principle to planting a community orchard on the field. There was now a need to develop the proposals and consult the community. Ongoing maintenance was seen to be important.
It was agreed that a working party of Simon, Sue and Lesley work up detailed proposals so that they can be taken forward.
Ruth reported on setting up a webpage for the Association and indicated that there was an ongoing charge for the domain. It would need regular updating
The notice board had arrived and looked great!
It was agreed that a webpage be established and be publicised through the facebook group
The Halloween event had been successful which the kids had enjoyed. Christmas carols on the street was being arranged for December. The advent calendar windows display trail was organised with all the dates now taken.
The possibility of having a dog event on the field was discussed and the possible need for permissions and insurance was raised.
It was agreed that Simon would check to see if the insurance would cover such an event.
It was suggested that a number of poppies should be put on lamp posts next year on Rufford Way, Buckfast and Abbey Road. These are obtained from the British Legion.
It was agreed that Councillor Penny Gowland would see if Rushcliffe would fund this.
History of Abbey Park
Lesley indicated that she was interested in compiling a history of Abbey Park which could include oral histories.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

Minutes of the Meeting 27th August 2020


Present:-Simon Middlecote (Chair), Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Lesley Morris, Chris Holmes, Councillor Penny Gowland, County Councillor Liz Plant.
Apologies: Rani Joshi, Catherine Bailey
The minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on 5th May 2020 were noted.
It was reported that Priscilla Bailey had resigned as Vice-Chair and it was agreed that Lesley Morris be appointed in her place.
No transactions had taken place since the last meeting
The site was now cleared and was secured with fencing. No detailed planning application had been submitted yet but there was a need to be vigilant so that the Association could comment in due course. When the application was submitted this would be publicised through the Facebook Group. It had been suggested the Pumping Station could be commemorated in the development in some way eg plaque or street naming and Simon had emailed the Leader of Rushcliffe Borough Council about this.
Comments had been made on the Facebook Group about anti-social behaviour on the field and the use of swings in the trees on the green. The general consensus was that everyone was relatively relaxed about this.
It was agreed that Sue would chase up the police about the CCTV cameras.
It was reported that Stamford Road down to the Willow Tree was to be resurfaced in September. This news was welcomed.
The installation was still awaited within the next 8 – 10 weeks. Copies of the notes of future meetings would be displayed along with other information.
It was understood that the 22 and 23 bus service was still making a loss. There were proposals to use electric vehicles from April 2021 but that this could now be delayed. Sue Andrew was to contact the new Community Centre Warden about usage of the bus service.
It was agreed
That Councillor Liz Plant would keep in contact with the operator about the bus service and report back.
That Sue Andrew would contact the new Community Centre Warden about usage of the bus service.

It was reported that that the proposed yellow lines were on the County Council’s list to be done in 2021/22.
The Abbey Park estate had been planned to have green spaces. There was an issue as to who owned these bits of land and was responsible for maintaining them. Some people had enclosed parts of these bits of land into their gardens sometimes without consulting neighbours.. In some cases the Council were selling land to residents. The impact of this is it could change the nature of the estate It was felt there was a need to see a plan of who owns what land on the estate.
It was agreed
That Councillors Liz Plant and Penny Gowland would contact their respective to obtain a copy of the land ownership map.
That when the map had been obtained arrangements be made for officers from Rushcliffe and the County to walk around the estate to look in detail at these issues.
Simon Middlecote was awaiting a response from Tom Pettit an officer at Rushcliffe about the planting of trees on the park and having a community orchard there. No progress had been made on the proposed bench with the suggested position being on the path between Hexham and Waltham by the lighting column.
It was agreed
Simon would chase up Tom Pettit for a response.
Councillor Penny Gowland would pursue the bench proposal.
The book club had held another successful meeting on the green and the next meeting was to be held on 14th September.
It was felt there was a perception that the Abbey Park Facebook Group was the mouthpiece of the Community Association. There was a need to consider how the Association communicated with residents and it was thought that the Association should have a separate page. Rani Joshi had been involved in setting up the Abbey Park Facebook Group
It was agreed that Ruth Kerry would contact Rani Joshi to look at setting a separate Website.

The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

Minutes of the Meeting 5th May 2020


Present:- Simon Middlecote (Chair) , Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrew, Catherine Bailey, Chris Holmes, Councillor Penny Gowland.
Apologies: Rani Joshi, County Councillor Liz Plant
The minutes of the last meeting of the Association held on 25th February 2020 were noted.
A bank account for the Association had been set up at Barclays. There was £607.92 in the account. On-line banking was established and 2 out of the following signatories were needed:- Simon, Ruth or Sue.
The building was now mostly demolished which was a great shame. The developer was not known but it was pointed out there was a need to be vigilant over the forthcoming planning application so that the Association could comment. Simon was to talk to Peter Hammond about the use and storage of the information about the Pumping Station. A book was one possibility. It was suggested the Pumping Station could be commemorated in the development in some way eg plaque or street naming.
It was agreed Simon would write to the Leader of Rushcliffe Borough Council suggesting that the Pumping Station be commemorated in the new development.
Sue had received the crime prevention information from the police.
It was agreed:-
1. to publicise the availability of crime prevention material on the Facebook page and to see if there were any neighbourhood watch coordinators who wanted the info to distribute.
2. Sue to chase up the police about the CCTV cameras.
It was noted that some pot holes had been repaired not particularly well, but there was a need to be vigilant about the others.

Concern was expressed about the speed of traffic on Buckfast Way and Rufford Way and it was felt 30 mph should be installed.
It was agreed that Sue would contact the County Council about installing these signs.
The installation was still awaited.
It was suggested that the group’s name should be the Abbey Park Community Association which would be more inclusive and allow local businesses to participate.
It was agreed that the group be called the Abbey Park Community Association and that this be publicised on the Facebook page.
There was a need to clarify what was happening to the 22 and 23 bus service. The Community Centre Warden was doing some research to see if there was demand for a Saturday service. NCT had rejected the suggestion to alter the no7 route to include the bus turning circle.
It was reported that Councillor Liz Plant had indicated that the proposed yellow lines would need to go to the County Council’s Committee and this would be in 2021/22.
It was agreed that Simon would contact Councillor Liz Plant.
The verges had not been cut and Simon had not had a reply from Via about the tree which had been cut down at the end of Bisham Drive. The damaged trees on the park had been attended to.
Simon had been in contact with Tom Pettit an officer at Rushcliffe about the planting of trees on the park and having a community orchard there. Rushcliffe have apparently identified the park in their long term plans for planting trees. It was felt we should lobby Rushcliffe to help shape the proposal. Suggestions for wild flower areas on the estate were made.
It was agreed
1. Simon would seek volunteers on the Facebook group to help shape a proposal about a community orchard.
2. Simon would contact the Bramley Apple Association to see if they could provide any help.
3. Sue to pursue the establishment of wild flower areas on the estate.
It was thought unlikely that the summer party on the field could be held because of covid restrictions.
Community Centre Warden
It was suggested that Mary the Community Centre Warden should be invited to join the Association and be added to the minute distribution list.
It was agreed that Sue invite Mary to join the Association and be added to the distribution list.
It was suggested that a bench should be put on the path in the park.
It was agreed that Penny would discuss funding possibilities with Councillor Brian Buschman.

Meeting closed at 8.52pm.

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