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Vaccination update from NHS Chief Executives

Writer's picture: abbeyparkngabbeyparkng

As you will all know, the programme is being delivered in a very comprehensive way: local authorities, the NHS and partners across the county are working as a system to deliver this huge project. The vaccine will be administered across three different types of site:

1. Hospital Hubs: Dozens of NHS trusts across the country will act as hospital hubs where patients and staff can be vaccinated on site. These hubs are where we know the Pfizer vaccine can be stored safely. There are 50 hubs nationally in the first wave and more hospitals will start vaccinating over the coming weeks and months as vaccine supply increases and the programme ramps up.

2. Local Vaccination Services: To make it as easy as possible for those who are eligible to access a vaccination safely, Local Vaccination Services will also be available. These community and primary care-led services will vary based on local and logistical considerations but will include GP practices, local authority sourced buildings or other local facilities and as vaccine supply increases throughout January, local pharmacies too.

3. Vaccination Centres: The NHS will also establish vaccination centres, where large numbers of people will be able to go and get a jab. The majority will open in January when supply of the vaccine increases. They are being set up in local venues such as sports stadiums and concert venues that offer the physical space to deal with large numbers of people while maintaining social distancing.

The roll out of Covid-19 vaccines to people most in need in our area began at the two hospital hubs, Queens Medical Centre and Kings Mill Hospital, in early December. These Hospital Hub sites have now been joined by City Hospital too.

We have now further rolled out of the vaccine into the Local Vaccination Services for those who have been prioritised by the JCVI: over 80s, care home residents and staff, and health and care workers at the highest risk.

This week four LVS sites are live:

· Ashfield Health Village, 5th January

· Richard Herrod Leisure Centre, 6th January

· Gamston Community Centre, 7th January

· Cripps Medical Centre (University Park), 8th January

Next week (w/c 11th January), we plan to open a further two sites at the Newark Showground and the University of Nottingham’s King’s Meadow campus. Residents will be invited to make an appointment at these new sites, you will not be able to access a vaccine by turning up without an appointment.

On January 5th the Prime Minister announced that the NHS has now vaccinated over 1.1 million people in England and over 1.3 million across the UK, which includes more than 650,000 people over 80.

He also said by February 15th, the NHS is committed to offering a vaccination to everyone in the top four priority groups including older care home residents and staff, everyone over 70, all frontline NHS and care staff and all those who are clinically extremely vulnerable.

How you can help?

It is important we all share the same message to the public to help the smooth running of this complex programme. We understand many people are keen to see their family get the vaccine as soon as possible to protect them from getting seriously ill. In time, everyone will be vaccinated so for now we are urging the public to work with us and be patient so we can first vaccinate those who need it most

Please share the following key messages:

· Please don’t contact the NHS to seek a vaccine, we will send out a letter inviting individuals to book an appointment

· When you receive your letter, please act quickly to book your appointment

· Please continue to follow all the guidance to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives

Finally, it is important to note that this is a phased roll-out of the vaccine and it will take many weeks for all of the eligible groups to be vaccinated. We want to remind the public not to contact the NHS, their GP or local hospital hub – the letter they receive will have full details of how to make an appointment.


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